New book by Prof. Fröhling on industrial biotechnology published

TUMCS | PM | 01.07.2020

Cover Fröhling/Hiete (Editors): Sustainability and Life Cycle Assessment in Industrial Biotechnology

Cover Fröhling/Hiete (Editors): Sustainability and Life Cycle Assessment in Industrial Biotechnology

How can industrial biotechnology be assessed from a sustainability perspective? Prof. Magnus Fröhling deals with this question in his new book “Sustainability and Life Cycle Assessment in Industrial Biotechnology”, which he has published together with Michael Hiete. Springer Nature has now published the book. Magnus Fröhling holds the Chair of Circular Economy at the Straubing Campus for Biotechnology and Sustainability at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Michael Hiete holds the Chair of Economic Chemistry at the University of Ulm.

“The evaluation of products and processes of industrial biotechnology under sustainability aspects is an important topic. It can help to develop sustainable solutions and also facilitate an objective discussion,” says Prof. Magnus Fröhling.

Portrait Prof. Dr. Magnus Fröhling

Prof. Dr. Magnus Fröhling

The book provides an up-to-date overview of the challenges faced in the assessment of this field, the current state of research and practice as well as possible future developments. In addition to the two editors, other international experts from research and industrial practice have written twelve articles that characterise industrial biotechnology in terms of sustainability assessment, describe relevant sustainability aspects, and explain assessment methods and present examples of use from different areas.

“With this book, Michael Hiete and I would like to give researchers, professionals and students an overview of both the challenges and opportunities of sustainability assessment of industrial biotechnology and current research and practice,” says Prof. Fröhling. “Our special thanks go to the international authors whose excellent contributions have made this publication possible”.

Further information on the book is available at the following link: