Prof. Dr. Magnus Fröhling
Chair of Circular Economy and Sustainability Assessment
- Commissioner for Sustainability
- Head of Chair
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-190
- Email:
- magnus.froehling@tum.de
Christine Neundlinger
Chair of Circular Economy and Sustainability Assessment
- Team Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-191
- Email:
- c.neundlinger@tum.de
Research Associates
Dr. Raoul Voss
Chair of Circular Economy and Sustainability Assessment
- Postdoctoral Researcher
- Research Associate
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-198
- Email:
- raoul.voss@tum.de
Doctoral Candidates
Inka Hahn, M.Sc.
Chair of Circular Economy and Sustainability Assessment
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Associate
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-238
- Email:
- inka.hahn@tum.de
Sarah Haßlacher, M.Sc.
Chair of Circular Economy and Sustainability Assessment
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Associate
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-206
- Email:
- sarah.hasslacher@tum.de
Vanessa Heinrich, M.Sc.
Chair of Circular Economy and Sustainability Assessment
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Associate
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-193
- Email:
- vanessa.heinrich@tum.de
Josef Huber, M.Sc.
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Associate
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-215
- Email:
- josef6.huber@tum.de
Svenja Klose, M.Sc.
Chair of Circular Economy and Sustainability Assessment
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Associate
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-195
- Email:
- svenja.klose@tum.de
Trond Lehmann, M.Sc.
Chair of Circular Economy and Sustainability Assessment
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Associate
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-209
- Email:
- trond.lehmann@tum.de
Dominik Reichert, M.Sc.
Chair of Circular Economy and Sustainability Assessment
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Associate
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-217
- Email:
- dominik.reichert@tum.de
Lyu Zhang, M.Sc.
Chair of Circular Economy and Sustainability Assessment
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Associate
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-192
- Email:
- lyu.zhang@tum.de
External Researchers
Vanessa Bolivar Paypay, M.Sc.
Chair of Circular Economy and Sustainability Assessment
- Doctoral Candidate
- Phone:
- +49 721 608-22989
- Email:
- vanessa.bolivar@kit.edu
Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS)
Postfach 3640
76021 Karlsruhe
Arushi Jaswal, M.Sc.
Chair of Circular Economy and Sustainability Assessment
- Doctoral Candidate
- Mobile:
- +49 151 60135214
- Email:
- arushi.aj.jaswal@bmw.de
BMW Forschungs- und Technologiehaus
Parkring 19
85748 Garching
Mattia Mäder, M.Sc.
Chair of Circular Economy and Sustainability Assessment
- Doctoral Candidate
- Email:
- mattia.maeder@bmw.de
BMW Group
Petuelring 130
80788 München
Natalie Otterbach, M.Sc.
Chair of Circular Economy and Sustainability Assessment
- Doctoral Candidate
- Phone:
- +49 7940 15-4946
- Email:
- natalie.ottenbach@wuerth.com
Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG
Reinhold-Würth-Straße 12-17
74653 Künzelsau
Daniela Wohlschlager, M.Sc.
Chair of Circular Economy and Sustainability Assessment
- Doctoral Candidate
- Phone:
- +49 89 158121-60
- Email:
- dwohlschlager@ffe.de
Forschungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft e.V. (FfE)
Am Blütenanger 71
80995 München
Ann-Christin Kessler, M.Sc.
Chair of Circular Economy and Sustainability Assessment
- Coordinator CirculaTUM
- Phone:
- +49 89 289-15940
- Email:
- ann-christin.kessler@tum.de