We welcome you to the website of the Chair of Circular Economy and Sustainability Assessment at the TUM Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability.
Our chair focuses on circular economy and bioeconomy, central concepts for achieving global sustainability goals such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations and the Paris Agreement. With our work, we want to contribute to the transition towards sustainable industrial and economic systems and thus to the achievement of the aforementioned goals. For this, we develop interdisciplinary approaches to the analysis, evaluation and design of technologies, products and systems in our research. In teaching, we aim for educating decision makers in research, economy and politics in the necessary methodological and professional competences for the change towards a sustainable economy and society.

With our website we want to inform you about news of our chair, our research activities, our courses and our team. We also want to draw your attention to other areas, such as the CirculaTUM initiative and career opportunities.
Young Researchers Seminar on Sustainable Material Cycles
The Chair of Circular Economy and Sustainability Assessment will host the next edition of the Young Researchers Seminar on Sustainable Material Cycles. We invite PhD students and PostDocs working on a sustainable use of materials to share their research activities in an oral or poster presentation. In particular, we address the following fields of research:
- Design and optimization of Circular Economy and Bioeconomy systems
- Sustainability and circularity assessment of systems, products, materials, and processes
- Efficient management and use of resources
- Material flow analysis of resource use, stocks, and flows
- Criticality and traceability of resources
- Sustainable business models