Call for Abstracts
In the next edition of the Young Researchers Seminar on Sustainable Material Cycles, we invite PhD students and PostDocs working on a sustainable use of materials to share their research activities in an oral or poster presentation. In particular, we address the following fields of research:
- Design and optimization of Circular Economy and Bioeconomy systems
- Sustainability and circularity assessment of systems, products, materials, and processes
- Efficient management and use of resources
- Material flow analysis of resource use, stocks, and flows
- Criticality and traceability of resources
- Sustainable business models
We look forward to your abstract submission by May 31, 2025 via yrs2025(at)
We are looking forward to your registration with or without presentation intention via yrs2025(at)
The seminar will take place in English. We would be delighted if you could contribute to our seminar with a presentation to provide an inspiring exchange of various research activities. In case you would like to give an oral or poster presentation, please submit an abstract according to our Call for Abstracts.
For planning purposes, we kindly ask you to register by June 30, 2025.
TUM Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability
The necessary sustainable transformation of economy and society requires integrated and interdisciplinary approaches. The Technische Universität München is addressing this issue with its Integrative Research Institute (IRI) TUM Campus Straubing (TUMCS) for Biotechnology and Sustainability. The core of this institution is the development of sustainable technologies, but it also recognizes that their use requires management and economic research. At TUMCS, natural scientists, biotechnologists and engineers work closely together with researchers from management and economics.
Central research areas are bio-economy, circular economy, establishment of new and innovative high performance technologies for material and energetic use of biogenic and other renewable resources as well as managerial and economic conditions and implications of sustainability transitions.
TUMCS offers courses in Bioeconomy (B.Sc. & M.Sc.), Chemical Biotechnology (B.Sc. & M.Sc.), Technology of Biogenic Resources (B.Sc. & M.Sc.), Sustainable Management and Technology (B.Sc. & M.Sc.), Biomass Technology (M.Sc.) as well as Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral theses. With interdisciplinary parts, all provide a broad understanding of sustainability and address both, the technological and economic needs of sustainability transitions.
TUMCS is located in Straubing - the region of renewable resources. Not only the city itself, but also the district of Straubing-Bogen and numerous partners from society, politics, industry and science are committed to sustainability. Agricultural and forestry areas throughout the Gäuboden region and the Bavarian Forest provide millions of tons of biomass for commercial use. Together with other research and educational institutions such as the Technology and Support Center (TFZ) and the Central Network for Marketing and Energy from Agricultural Resources (C.A.R.M.E.N. e.V.), the TUMCS forms the Center of Excellence for Renewable Resources. Other partners in the region are the BioCat project group of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, the BioCampus and the BioCubator in the Straubing-Sand Danube port.
The seminar will take place at Petersgasse 5, 94315 Straubing (link to GoogleMaps).
The program will be published by July 31, 2025.
Recommended Acommodations
Genusshotel Wenisch
Innere Passauer Str. 59, 94315 Straubing
Phone: +49 (0) 9421 9931-0
Hotel Römerhof
Ittlinger Str. 136, 94315 Straubing
Phone: +49 (0) 9421 99820
Hotel Franziska
Regensburger Str. 42, 94315 Straubing
Phone: +49 (0) 9421 180480
Hotel Theresientor
Theresienplatz 51, 94315 Straubing
Phone: +49 (0) 9421 849-0
For any questions please do not hesitate to contact us via yrs2025(at)