ReNaRe annual meeting

The ReNaRe annual meeting took place this year from February 25 to 26, 2025 at Forschungszentrum Jülich.

The participants spent the evening before the meeting enjoying an Italian dinner together. The agenda for the first day focused on the results and future work of the individual work packages. In addition, the project management organization provided information about the necessary administrative steps after the end of the project, and the participants were introduced to the Forschungszentrum. The evening concluded with a sumptuous Asian dinner buffet. The next day began with an intensive brainstorming session in which the consortium discussed possible topics for ReNaRe 2.0. Finally, there was a guided tour through the hydrogen-relevant areas of the Forschungszentrum. A joint lunch closed the last ReNaRe project meeting of this kind.


Picture Credit: MVTAT, TU Freiberg
